Learn to let go to be happy.
Let go. Two little words, very simple and yet so difficult to put into practice. They are nevertheless the main ingredients of the recipe for happiness 😉. Be careful, letting go doesn't mean we don't care about all our problems like the year 40! It simply expresses your willingness not to fix your attention on problems and difficulties, but rather on solutions and your strengths to move forward.
Letting go also means succeeding in no longer imposing pressure on yourself for success and performance. Strangely, without this weight on your shoulders, you are more creative, more sure of yourself and more successful.
Happiness, self-fulfillment and personal success are closely linked to letting go. It's not always easy to put into practice, but it's like everything, it can be learned.
To learn how to let go, you must know some essential elements of well-being and hold the keys to success. You will feel more serene, peaceful and happy. This is what we invite you to discover in this article. Take notes ! 😉
Accept events and change
The world is constantly changing, your life is constantly changing, you can't control everything, it's impossible.
This unnecessary pressure imposes a frantic pace on you for almost zero results. Events follow one another whether you like it or not, whether you are prepared for it or not, and you have to agree to jump on the bandwagon. Despite extraordinary anticipation and excellent preparation, you will never be able to foresee and control everything. But the unpredictable is what makes life such a precious gift.
The experiences and encounters that life offers you are always enriching, whether positive or negative, you inevitably draw from them a richness, a lesson, a new strength.
You must learn to accept the positive events that happen to you, but also accept the more difficult experiences. They make you stronger and better. Do not perceive them as a failure, but rather as a new opportunity. See them as an opportunity to try again, but in a different way.
The look of the others
"Hell is other people", said Sartre.
This is not always the case, fortunately, but it is true that the gaze of others is heavy. You fear being badly judged permanently and you act, unconsciously or not, with regard to the opinion of others.
You are unwittingly playing a role in the play of your own life. Your personality is modeled according to the perception that others have of you.
Yet it is your room, your life, your story. You are the only one who can and must direct your life. Your decisions are yours. Your life is unique and precious, you should take care of it and do everything to live it fully.
You're not dressed according to current fashion trends, you don't have the latest smartphone? You followed your instincts and you didn't follow the herd? So what ! Are you happy ? That is the only essential question you need to ask yourself.
Living in the Moment
It seems simple and yet... The mind constantly wanders between yesterday and tomorrow, between the mistakes of the past, the nostalgia for a happy period and the fear of the future.
But your choices, your decision-making and your happiness, it is in the present that they are combined and only in the present.
To be happy, you must learn to fully enjoy the present. You have to feel it intensely, deeply.
Meditation and yoga are practices that can help you, especially at the beginning of your process. You will be able to relearn your mind to focus on the moment and keep it in the present moment.
Learning to know each other
“ The greatest secret to happiness is to feel good about yourself. » Bernard Fontenelle
To be aware of oneself, to achieve a good self-esteem and to be fully happy and fulfilled inevitably go through a sharp knowledge of your deep being.
Your personality is unique. Who, better than you, can know you perfectly? Aren't you the person who should take the most care of your happiness? How to make you happy without knowing you intimately?
Your pains, your fears, your anxieties, but also your laughter, your joys and your passions are essential elements of yourself. What drives you and makes you happy?
Letting go is also becoming aware that one is responsible for one's own happiness. Therefore, it is up to you to do things according to what drives you and what you really like.
You have to learn to indulge yourself without putting pressure on yourself. To be happy, you must be in agreement with yourself, without wondering what someone will think of it or if it is reasonable.
You never fly high with someone else's wings. Meaning that it is not other people who will make you a happy person, even if they contribute. It is you alone, your decisions, your actions, your words and your thoughts that will allow you to access true happiness.
grâce à cet article j’ai commencé à travailler sur mon lâcher prise ! ça fait du bien :-)