A few words from you to me.
You don't realize the power of a mantra until you find your own.
A mantra carries you even in the most difficult times. Today I found mine.
However, this has not always been the case. I searched for myself for a long time.
I had a fairly comfortable start in life: a more or less quiet childhood in a magnificent city: Paris, and a future without surprises...
One day, something clicked: I decided to leave all this security behind: my heart was whispering something to me that I will soon understand, but which irresistibly pushed me to set off on an adventure through the world to find my way.
Then began a whirlwind of wonderful experiences that fed my heart and soul. I was thirsty for discoveries and encounters: I created a restaurant in India, a restaurant delivery service in Bali, a pioneering brand of rock clothes for children in Barcelona, etc.
I was creating and undertaking, I was in my element!
Overnight, everything collapsed: repatriation to France…
There followed 8 dark years when my health failed me.
The questions were linked in my head: Everything was going so well, why this ordeal? Why me ? How will I be able to take care of my son?
Fortunately, I was able to count on the love of my loved ones and my son helped me to have the strength to hold on!
When I had lost all hope, we discover the origin of this evil and its "miraculous" treatment, which allows me to climb the slope and gradually regain my vitality! I must then re-educate myself to life.
It was during this period that chance brought me back to a long-time friend.
Her favorite field is the seductive world of jewelry. I was immediately drawn to this universe: it's as if the whole world was shouting at me: “go ahead, go for it, it's for you! ".
That's when it all comes together. I become insatiable: I spend my days learning and my heart is filled with new energy: the Gratitude.
At the same time, I discovered Positive Affirmations and Mantras. My anxieties and stress dissipate. I learn resilience, positive thinking… and it works!
So I want to share this discovery with as many people as possible. How to redistribute all this beautiful energy around me?
An idea then came to me: we would have to find a solution to never forget our mantras.
The inspiration came suddenly: the “ORANGE AMOUR” concept and brand were born!
The idea was to build a whole universe around a product: bracelets with positive messages. Important thing: We could share them with the family thanks to their adjustable size and they would be accessible to everyone at an affordable price.
Here is how I concretized my conviction of the intrinsic link between the company and the quality of life. I gave life to a project in accordance with my values, which makes sense for my loved ones and for my clients.
Today, thanks to ORANGE AMOUR, I contribute daily to bringing joy and positivity to people's lives.
The icing on the cake, and not the least, the purchases of our bracelets help organizations for the protection of the planet or, to offer a little oxygen to our planet thanks to the trees that we plant for the purchase of a of our jewelry.