For positive affirmations to be really effective, you still have to know how to use them on a daily basis!
When we understand them and use them to our advantage, they are a good way to redirect our thoughts in order to tend towards what we desire.
Every thought, every word can be an affirmation. And when it's well formulated, believing in it can give it the energy it needs to become a reality.
So here are some tips and steps to make the best use of positive affirmations, and take the first step towards change!
Chase the negative from your inner dialogue
Every day, in our thoughts, we spontaneously make various affirmations. Unfortunately, often without realizing it, we formulate these in the negative. "They won't give me this job", "I'm not pretty enough", "I'll never make it"...
Without us realizing it, these negative affirmations tend to influence our behavior, and it all happens eventually. What if we learned to spot these statements the moment they pop into our minds, to turn them into positive affirmations?
This is the first step: to be aware of the thoughts that occupy our mind, to chase away the negative ones.
Believe in positive affirmations
This is how you will give them the necessary energy to make them come true! It's quite simple: when we repeat certain statements in our mind, the desire comes naturally to us to act in coherence with them. A new attitude that will bring us the courage and confidence to achieve our goals...
Choosing to believe in it means creating a new inner dialogue, and letting these affirmations have an impact in our daily lives! Such a dialogue and the energy it will create can help improve:
- our self-esteem
- our decision making
- our state of mind
- our creativity
- and our productivity!
But how do you use positive affirmations?
Chasing away negative thoughts, choosing to believe in the positive so that it comes true… OK, but then? Here are some tips to follow to optimize your positive affirmations!
think about it
Always keep your positive affirmations in mind, so you don't get discouraged along the way! You can repeat them regularly, like a mantra, to focus on them.
Write them down
Writing down your positive affirmations is a good way to remember them. You can do it in a newspaper, in your phone or even post them at home, where you will see them often!
View them
Find images that give you the emotions you want and remind you of your goal. You can save them, display them or use a mood board.
Avoid the NO
Every thought creates an image in your mind. The wording of it therefore has a great influence on the way you will represent it to yourself. For example, if you say "I don't want a boring job", you will immediately imagine this boring job. To get on the right frequency, say "I want a motivating job" instead!
Focus on what you want, and avoid denial at all costs.
Use words that speak to you
Certain words resonate in a particular way, for one reason or another, in our minds. Never try to use words that don't speak to you: use those that bring out the best in you.
Use powerful words
Each affirmation must create an emotion, strong enough to awaken the energy that will make it happen. Use the right words, those with a strong meaning, to build your reality:
- I am…
- I'm ready to…
- I am grateful for...
- I feel…
- I deserve…
So, ready to get started?
Choose to take control, and banish the negative to reverse the trend. A very simple decision, which can however change everything... And thanks to these few tips, positive affirmations no longer hold any secrets for you!
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